Tuesday, February 1, 2011

President Obama Is Having A Happy New Year

Obama has been very upbeat and happy starting off this new year. Want to know the reason why? He has been coming up with new slogans to like, "Win the Future" to get Americans more enthused about more jobe being brought to the table. He is also bringing about better plans to deal with medium and long-term budget problems. This is something that needs more attention, because America is still in debt, the drought is not over.

He has also brought about "We Do Big Things" slogan which is now available on T-shirts available to donors of the president. "Startup America" was released on Monday to encourage entrepreneurs. I believe that President Obama is doing something positive to give America a jumpstart to the new year. Some Americans might not agree with Obama and his beliefs or how we runs our land but, you can't blame the man for trying to pump some money into this country.

Obama has even offered to let the Republican party help out on some things like the deficit-reduction plan. It is a much needed plan to help America get out of an ongoing deficit. Many people might say that Obama is letting Republicans have a voice just so he can bash them if their plan falls through. I believe that he wants this counrty to be equal and together, not seperate. So, let's just put all of the non-sense aside and get this country back to where it was and needs to be.

Many people have lost their jobs in this country and many more are losing them as we speak. Homes and cars are also being lost, more people are filing bankrupt. So, I really don't care who gets this plan in order whether it's the Republicans or the Democrats, somebody needs to do it and do it now. Feel free to give your feedback and comments, because they are well appreciated.

The site for this source is: http://www.slate.com/id/2283410/?from=rss

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