The San Jose Mercury News reports the SETI Institute has put its program to find aliens on hold. On April 22, SETI proposed a letter sent to supporters of their program that they were going to put alien seeking on hold. Tom Pierson, SETI's CEO made this announcment at the beginnin of this week. The Allen Telescope Array has been put into hibernation due to the shortfalls for funding the operations of the Hat Creek Radio Observatory where the telescope is located.
I mean i think that this is something cool to try and see if there are really aliens out there. But i think there is other stuff that we need to be worrying about beisides trying to find other life besides ourselves. Its kool to get out there and explore other life, but i think that it was a good idea to put the operation on hold. I hope that they succeed in trying to find alien life but i think that now is not the time to do it.
Source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/04/26/135746059/budget-cuts-shutdown-setis-alien-seeking-telescopes?ft=1&f=1001
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